Assoc. Prof. Nitin Sharma Selected by NAE for 2022 EU-US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium

BME Associate Professor Nitin Sharma was selected by the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) for the 2022 EU-US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium (EU-US FOE), to be held October 19-22, in Bled, Slovenia. This activity is organized by the National Academy of Engineering and the European Council of Applied Sciences, Technologies, and Engineering. The Slovenian Academy of Engineering (IAS) is hosting the meeting. NAE holds bilateral Frontiers of Engineering symposium to bring together select groups of highly accomplished early-career engineers from US universities, companies, and government to discuss leading-edge research and technical work across a range of engineering fields while also facilitating international cooperation and understanding. Convening engineers from disparate fields and challenging them to think about developments and problems at the frontiers of areas different from their own can lead to a variety of desirable results. These include collaborative work, the transfer of new techniques and approaches across fields, and establishment of contacts among the next generation of leaders in engineering. Prof. Sharma will be one of the 60 early-career engineers from EU and US universities, industry, and government at the EU-US FOE symposium to participate in interdisciplinary discussions. During the 2.5 days of the symposium, four topics — Supply Chain/Logistics, Post-Lithium-ion Batteries, Zero-Carbon Buildings, and Prosthetics and AI — will be covered.
