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Jason Franz invited to participate at the NAE 2022 Frontiers of Engineering Symposium

BME Associate Professor Jason Franz has been invited to participate in the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Frontiers program at the 2022 China-America Frontiers of Engineering Symposium (CAFOE), to be held July 18-20 at the National Academies’ Beckman Center in Irvine, California. Although this meeting was originally scheduled to be held in China, due to Covid-related travel restrictions, US and Chinese attendees will meet virtually from their respective gatherings in California and Chengdu in China.

At the CAFOE Symposium there will be a total of 60 early-career engineers participating from the USA and China, including organizers and speakers. Participation is limited to better facilitate interactions and contacts among the attendees. During the 2.5 days of the symposium, four topics — Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing, Food Safety in the Context of Big Data and Genomics, Water Sustainability, and Wearable Electronics and Human Health — will be covered. Speakers will give presentations on pioneering research and technical work followed by discussion. The event is intended to facilitate international and cross-disciplinary research collaboration, promote the transfer of new techniques and approaches across disparate engineering fields, and encourage the creation of a transpacific network of world-class engineers.


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